Flag IV
October 25, 2019, 11:41 pm
Filed under: exhibitions, installations, thorn works

I was invited to exhibit the most recent in a series of American flags made of honey locust thorns in the exhibition, PopUp, in Como, Italy in the fall of this year, 2019.  It was such an honor to exhibit this work in the former Chiesa di San Francesco with a group of artists from across the world. The exhibition was hosted by Miniartextil / Arte & Arte. This is the 29th year for this exhibition.

The thorn flag reflects the angst and frustration, the sense of disarray, contentiousness and the fractious nature of democracy occurring at this moment in America.  The thorns themselves are elegant in their geometry and simplicity, yet daunting in their sense of danger and potential for destruction.  This is similar to the theory of democracy which is elegant in theory, yet dangerous when the freedoms it provides are abused and subverted for nefarious means.

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This project was supported by Miniartextil / Arte & Arte through their invitation to exhibit this work; by an Inspiration Grant from ArtsKC to support shipping of the work; by Studios, Inc. for their ongoing support as a three year Resident Artist; and by the wonderful  installation assistants in Como, Lucia and Anastasia, as well as my equally wonderful studio assistants in Kansas City, of whom there have been a number. My thanks go to all of them, and to the wonderful photographer and friend, EG Schempf, who’s careful and sensitive images have supported my work over the years. Thank you all.  What a pleasure it has been to make this work and to exhibit this work in such a dynamic international venue.


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